g e n e r a t o r _ t o o l s

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                                   Author: Kay Schluehr
                                   Date: 2009-02-24
                                   Version: 0.3.6
                                   E-Mail: kay@fiber-space.de

1. Introduction

Generators are a fundamental abstraction of the Python language. Generators were first introduced in Python 2.2 together with the yield keyword turning a function into an generator. In subsequent releases Python became ever more generator friendly with generator expressions and finally with turning yield statements into yield expressions and generators into proper coroutines. A few limitations however remained. Most notably generators are not copyable and can't be pickled which is an obstacle for using generators to implement lightweight concurrency a la Erlang and distribute them transparently across different OS level processes. These problems have been solved by the Stackless Python dialect of Python which addressed coroutines and cooperative multitasking specifically.While SP preceeded CPythons development of coroutines for years, the arival of Python 2.5 means a significant feature overlap between SP tasklets and generators.

As long as no native implementation for copying generators is available the generator_tools package can be used to close the gap. The package is implemented in pure Python and it is available for Python 2.5 and also Python 3.0.

The basic facilities are the copy_generator and pickle_generator functions. Those were described in sections 2 and 3.

2. copy_generator

The implementation of copy_generator is based on a deep bytecode hack or expressed in less pejorative manner: it uses runtime introspection and Python bytecode assembler synthesis. For those who are impatient and not interested in detail design the API is treated first. Later in section 2.2 the implementation strategy is iluminated.

2.1 copy_generator usage

copy_generator( f_gen, [copy_filter])
Keeps a generator object and returns a generatorcopy object. A generatorcopy object provides the same public interface and behaviour as a generator object but stores additional data used for re-copying. Passing a generatorcopy object is permitted as well.
New in version 0.2: You can pass an optional copy_filter parameter which is a boolean function of one argument. The argument being passed on call of copy_filter is a local variable of the copied generator. The default behaviour is such that all locals ( and therefore the generator ) is deepcopied. An exception is made with objects that have an attribute "sharable" with value sharable = True. Locals which are assigned as sharable are passed into the generatorcopy uncopied i.e. without creating new object identities ( see also 2.1.2 for examples ).
Example 1:

def f(start):             # generator
    i = start
    while i<start+10:
        yield i

>>> f_gen = f(3)  # creating a generator object f_gen
>>> f_gen.next()  # do some action
>>> g_gen = copy_generator(f_gen)
>>> g_gen.next()
>>> f_gen.next()
>>> list(f_gen) == list(g_gen)

2.1.1 copy_generator and for-loops

Copying generators containing while-loops, even nested while loops doesn't cause known problems. Also interactions with try...except statements is not troublesome. However for-loop defintions don't work out of the box. We elaborate on this in the nexrt subsection. Here I will present the workaround only that makes for-loops copyable. Note, this workaround is enforced by the current implementation and a CopyGeneratorException is raised when not being detected.

Syntactically a for-loop has three user defined parts:

                  for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite

We are only interested in the testlist part which is highlighted in the following example:

for k in range(20):    # in this form copy_generator can't transfer state
    yield k

This testlist part has to be factored out. But this alone is not sufficient. It has to be wrapped using the for_iter function:

it = for_iter(range(20))  # required boilerplate
for k in it:   
    yield k

for_iter( iterable)
Keeps an iterable and returns an object of type IteratorView. IteratorViews can be saved and copied. Different IteratorViews can share a unique iterator and maintain their own state of iteration.
IteratorViews being exposed as local variables enable the copy_generator function to deal with nested for-loops and generator sequences:

Example 2 ( continues Example 1):

def g(x,y):
     r = for_iter(range(x,y))
     for i in r:
         yield i

def f():
    G = for_iter([g(0,7), g(7,14), g(14, 21)])
    for h in G:
        H = for_iter(h)
        for item in H:
            yield item

>>> gen_f = f()
>>> gen_f.next()
>>> gen_f.next()
>>> gen_g.next()
>>> gen_f.next()
>>> list(gen_f) == list(gen_g)

For additional examples you might take a look at unit tests implemented in test/test_copygenerators.py

2.1.2 Modify the copying behaviour ( new in version 0.2 )

Basically the copy_generator function produces deepcopies of generator objects. However this can be regulated. The second optional parameter is a function with signature object -> bool. It is called copy_filter. The copy_generator function has a default copy_filter defined as:

           lambda loc : hasattr(loc, "sharable") and loc.sharable

The idea is that only those objects that pass the filter get shared or passed unmodifed into the generator copy. All others are deepcopied and a shared nothing policy is applied.

One other relevant copy_filter is simple:

           lambda loc : True

Here everying is shared. This copy_filter is used on reconstring a generator object from pickling. The usecase is motivated as follows. One cannot pickle a generator object gen_f directly but has to map it onto a GeneratorSnapshot object GS_f  first that can be pickled. On unpickling GS_f will be reconstructed and to get gen_f back one has to apply copy_generator(GS_f) once. Here we share each local of GS_f with the new gen_f and throw GS_f away in the next step. Note this is fully automized and you usually don't have to care unless you want to implement your own pickling routines.

2.2 copy_generator implementation

The implementation of copy_generator is based on two ideas:
  1. Modify the generator assembly and generate JUMP_ABSOLUTE commands on certain jump addresses. That's easy on a first try but hard to get it right s.t. no stack is corrupted.
  2. Read all local variables of an existing generator object f_gen using runtime introspection and pass them as parameters into a newly created generator function g. These parameters constitute the local environment for executing the generator object g_gen created from g.

2.2.1 Making a JUMP ABSOLUTE

Let's consider the following simple Python generator containing two nested while-loops and the related disassembly:

def f(x, y):
    i = 0
    while i<x:
        j = 0
        yield i
        while j<y:
            yield (i,j)

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(f)

  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
              3 STORE_FAST               2 (i)

  3           6 SETUP_LOOP              71 (to 80)
        >>    9 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             12 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             15 COMPARE_OP               0 (<)
             18 JUMP_IF_FALSE           57 (to 78)
             21 POP_TOP            

  4          22 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
             25 STORE_FAST               3 (j)

  5          28 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             31 YIELD_VALUE        
             32 POP_TOP            

  6          33 SETUP_LOOP              39 (to 75)
        >>   36 LOAD_FAST                3 (j)
             39 LOAD_FAST                1 (y)
             42 COMPARE_OP               0 (<)
             45 JUMP_IF_FALSE           25 (to 73)
             48 POP_TOP            

  7          49 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             52 LOAD_FAST                3 (j)
             55 BUILD_TUPLE              2
             58 YIELD_VALUE        
             59 POP_TOP            

  8          60 LOAD_FAST                3 (j)
             63 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
             66 INPLACE_ADD        
             67 STORE_FAST               3 (j)
             70 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           36
        >>   73 POP_TOP            
             74 POP_BLOCK          
        >>   75 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            9
        >>   78 POP_TOP            
             79 POP_BLOCK          
        >>   80 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             83 RETURN_VALUE       

In case of stopping the generator and yielding the first value ( here it is i ) the last executed instruction has the index 31 which is considered as a label or offset when counting from the start of the bytecode sequence. We can read this value from an generator object in a state of execution with non-empty stack frame:

>>> f_gen = f(3,4)
>>> f_gen.gi_frame.f_lasti
>>> f_gen.next()
>>> f_gen.gi_frame.f_lasti

Actually we can keep more information from f_gen, namely the current local context of evaluation:

>>> f_gen.gi_frame.f_locals
{'i': 0, 'y': 4, 'j': 0, 'x': 3}

Now suppose we have a function g which keeps all local variables at jump address 31 of f as parameters:

def g(x, y, i, j):
    i = 0
    while i<x:
        j = 0
        yield i
        while j<y:
            yield (i,j)

But instead of starting evaluation with a LOAD_CONST bytecode we aim to jump directly of the offset 31 i.e. exactly to the place where evaluation of f_gen has stopped. The bytecode interpreter actually needs to jump a little further because evaluating POP_TOP is meaningfull only when a preceeding stack operation was performed. So we increment the offset by 2.

We express our decision by prepending a JUMP_ABSOLUTE bytecode with 33 as its argument.

  2           0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            33

              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
              6 STORE_FAST               2 (i)

  3           9 SETUP_LOOP              74 (to 83)
        >>   12 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             15 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)

With this modified bytecode we can create the function g which resumes execution where f_gen was stopped.

2.2.2  A crash with many causes

The first naive solution has been suggested as a recipe in the ActiveState Python Cookbook and it failed as Klaus Müller from the SimPy projected pointed out. The cause of error is not easy to see. There are three factors:
  1. The first implementation didn't correct the jump addresses of all other JUMP_ABSOLUTE calls. This caused the error message Klaus reported. The algorithm jumped to invalid address.
  2. With SETUP_LOOP and other SETUP_XXX commands a block is pushed on a block stack. The complementary action is POP_BLOCK. While an underflow ( too many POP_BLOCK calls ) leads to immediate crash, an upper threshold for SETUP_LOOP calls ( currently 20 ) that guides overflow exceptions. You can check this out by creating 20 nested while-loops for example.
  3. Klaus example contained a for-loop. For-loops are more complex to handle than while-loops. On bytecode level they are distincted by the additional bytecodes GET_ITER and FOR_ITER. GET_ITER creates an internal iterable not being exposed a user level code and pushes it on the stack. Without exposition it can't be copied. But what's worse GET_ITER must be called to enable subsequent calls of FOR_ITER and GET_ITER is not a jump target for one next iteration but FOR_ITER only.

2.2.3  Chains of jumps and blocks

As a solution for problem 2) and 3) chains of JUMP_ABSOLUTE bytecodes are used to connect different SETUP_XXX bytecodes preceeding the cricical offset. So we are hopping from one SETUP to the next and initialize the block stack.  In case of a SETUP_LOOP belonging to a for-loop we are processing all bytecodes until the first one after FOR_ITER .

However generating jumps alone is not sufficient because each jump shall be processed exactly one. We need to deactivate all jumps when reaching the target offset. This cannot be done dynamically or by another bytecode transformation. Instead we use a local variable called jump_forward_on as a switch and prepare a bytecode block carefully s.t. the JUMP_ABSOLUTE command is called when jump_forward_on = True and skipped otherwise.


The final block is a modified version of the block shown in the diagram. When jump_forward_on is True a second variable called jump_forward_off is loaded and its value is assigned to jump_forward_on. If this value is False the JUMP_IF_FALSE command causes skipping JUMP_ABSOLUTE in the next iteration:

        0  LOAD_FAST       n   (jump_forward_on)
        3  JUMP_IF_FALSE   10
        6  LOAD_FAST       n+1 (jump_forward_off)
        9  STORE_FAST      n
        12 POP_TOP
        13 JUMP_ABSOLUTE   setup_offset
        16 POP_TOP

Finally we summarize and highlight changes on transformations of our original bytecode.

>>> f_gen = f(3,4)
>>> f_gen.next()
>>> f_gen.next()
>>> g_gen = copy_generator(f_gen)
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(g_gen._g)

352           0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            9
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)

353           6 STORE_FAST               2 (i)
        >>    9 SETUP_LOOP              99 (to 111)
             12 LOAD_FAST                4 (jump_forward_on)
             15 JUMP_IF_FALSE            4 (to 22)
             18 POP_TOP             
             19 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           47

354     >>   22 POP_TOP             
        >>   23 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             26 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             29 COMPARE_OP               0 (<)
             32 JUMP_IF_FALSE           74 (to 109)
             35 POP_TOP             
             36 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
             39 STORE_FAST               3 (j)
             42 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             45 YIELD_VALUE         
             46 POP_TOP             
        >>   47 SETUP_LOOP              56 (to 106)
             50 LOAD_FAST                4 (jump_forward_on)
             53 JUMP_IF_FALSE           10 (to 66)
             56 LOAD_FAST                5 (jump_forward_off)
             59 STORE_FAST               4 (jump_forward_on)
             62 POP_TOP             
             63 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           91
        >>   66 POP_TOP             
        >>   67 LOAD_FAST                3 (j)
             70 LOAD_FAST                1 (y)
             73 COMPARE_OP               0 (<)
             76 JUMP_IF_FALSE           25 (to 104)
             79 POP_TOP             
             80 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             83 LOAD_FAST                3 (j)
             86 BUILD_TUPLE              2
             89 YIELD_VALUE         
             90 POP_TOP             
        >>   91 LOAD_FAST                3 (j)
             94 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
             97 INPLACE_ADD         
             98 STORE_FAST               3 (j)
            101 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           67
        >>  104 POP_TOP             
            105 POP_BLOCK           
        >>  106 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           23
        >>  109 POP_TOP             
            110 POP_BLOCK           
        >>  111 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
            114 RETURN_VALUE        

2.3 How to clone a running for-loop ?

How can one clone an iterator? Hasn't this question been answered already with regard to cloning generators? Or else: if we invent a different cloning algorithm for iterators why not applying it also towards generators, something more simple than bytecode hackery? The basic answer for cloning iterators is very simple: turn them into lists and clone those. But this is inefficient and a serialization strategy at best - something being important when we pickle iterators.

The answer to copying iterators is to provide IteratorViews. This means we do not copy iterators at all but provide copies of IteratorView objects that refer to one unique _IterWrapper object which encapsulate an iterator and caches its values. The real iterator is therefore shared among different IteratorViews. An IteratorView just stored the state of its own iteration. This state is an index into the cached iterator value list. When an IteratorView is copied it is the index that is copied as well and it will then be incremented separately in subsequent calls to next().

However the truth about IteratorViews is actually a little bit more complicated as will be shown below:

>>> r  = range(4)  
>>> iv = for_iter(r)
>>> iv
<__main__.IteratorView object at 0x0134B330>
>>> iv.next()   # iv.offset -> 0 , recorded -> [0]
>>> iv.next()   # iv.offset -> 1 , recorded -> [0, 1]
>>> iv2 = iv.__gencopy__()  # copy iv with offset = 1
>>> iv2.next() 
1             # ??? Bug?
              # Didn't we all expect the offset being 1 and the next value being 2 ?

The reason for this admittedly strange behaviour is the fact that for_iter is not used primarily for just copying iterators but copying iterators of for-loops. To understand why we decrement the offset on copy we need to decompile an iterator containing a for-loop.

352           0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           21
              3 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (for_iter)
              6 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (range)
              9 LOAD_CONST               1 (10)
             12 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             15 CALL_FUNCTION            1

353          18 STORE_FAST               0 (it)
        >>   21 SETUP_LOOP              36 (to 60)
             24 LOAD_FAST                0 (it)
             27 GET_ITER            
        >>   28 FOR_ITER                28 (to 59)

354          31 STORE_FAST               1 (i)
             34 LOAD_FAST                2 (jump_forward_on)
             37 JUMP_IF_FALSE           10 (to 50)
             40 LOAD_FAST                3 (jump_forward_off)
             43 STORE_FAST               2 (jump_forward_on)
             46 POP_TOP             
             47 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           56
        >>   50 POP_TOP             
             51 LOAD_FAST                1 (i)
             54 YIELD_VALUE         
             55 POP_TOP             
        >>   56 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           28
        >>   59 POP_BLOCK           
        >>   60 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             63 RETURN_VALUE        

The critical section is highlighted. What happened here is that the iterator is called once with FOR_ITER before the JUMP_ABSOLUTE command at offset 56 is reached which continues iteration with another jump to FOR_ITER. So FOR_ITER is called twice! By decrementing the index in the IteratorView we ensure that the correct value is used at each iteration.

Maybe you have noticed that the name of the copy function is called __gencopy__ and it might be applied for internal copying purposes only. Another function is called __itercopy__ and it provides non-surprising behaviour as being shown in the next example:

>>> iv = for_iter(range(4))
>>> iv.next()
>>> iv.next()
>>> iv2 = iv.__itercopy__()
>>> iv2.next()
>>> iv2.next()
>>> iv.next()
>>> list(iv)
>>> iv2.next()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "c:\lang\python25\lib\site-packages\generator_tools\copygenerators.py", line 64, in next
    item = self.itwrap.next(self)
  File "c:\lang\python25\lib\site-packages\generator_tools\copygenerators.py", line 28, in next
    item = self.it.next()

You can use also use copy.deepcopy to achieve the same effect.

3. The picklegenerators module

Changed in version 0.3

The picklegenerators modules serves as a full replacement for the pickle module. You can use convenient API functions like dump, dumps or load or the classes Pickler, Unpickler. The only notable difference is that generator objects ( as well as some derived objects ) can now be pickled / unpickled. Classes like GeneratorPickler or functions like unpickle_generator are marked as deprecated and a warning is sent when being called. They will be entirely removed in version 0.5 of generator_tools.

4. Caveats and Limitations

Some additional advices for the user of generator_tools

4.1 Avoid yield statements in finally clauses

On a few occasions yield statements in finally clauses crashed my Python interpreter. This behaviour even lead to drop of those tests from the test suite and leave the note here instead. While not always being harmfull when copied there are at least indications for not working correctly and they shall be avoided.

4.2 Avoid Python 2.5 yield expressions

This is a rather strong demand and it is justified in many cases, at least when you intend to copy them using generator_tools. Otherwise they are just fine. If you are careful you can sidestep at least some of the caveats but not all.

Notice that I've added a new module called enhanced_generator.py which describes an attempt to make a class of Python 2.5 style "enhanced generators" viable in generator_tools. However these are not the generators described in the next subsection.

4.2.1 How to use generator_tools to crash the interpreter

Python 2.5 yield expressions do not generally work. They work to some extent in the most simple cases but they are generally broken and I don't believe this can be fixed. I try to explain using the following example:

def f():
    a = 0
    it = for_iter(range(3))
    for i in it:
        a = ((yield a) or 1) + ((yield a) or 1)  

The critical section in the disassembled bytecode of the copied generator shall be examined:

311           0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           32
             58 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           77
             76 YIELD_VALUE        
        >>   77 JUMP_IF_TRUE             4 (to 84)
             80 POP_TOP            
             81 LOAD_CONST               3 (1)
        >>   84 BINARY_ADD         

The execution starts with a JUMP_ABSOLUTE. A few operations will be performed to intialize the iterator which are not of interest here. Then another JUMP_ABSOLUTE will be executed to the offset right after YIELD_VALUE which is the point of suspension of the original generator. So the first opcode of interest is JUMP_IF_TRUE. What does it? Well it looks at the top of the stack for a value v. If v == True it jumps directly to BINARY_ADD. If False it POP_TOPs v from the stack and LOAD_CONST pushes 1 on the stack.

But what is v? Where does it come from? Well v was pushed on the stack by YIELD_VALUE. The YIELD_VALUE opcode always does even when a Python 2.4 style yield statement is executed. In that case the execution sequence looks like this

             76 YIELD_VALUE        
             77 POP_TOP            

and POP_TOP simply pops None from the stack. But where is v in case of a copied generator? The depressing answer is: nowhere. That's why the BINARY_ADD opcode produces an interpreter crash. It tries to gather a value from the stack that is not there. It is easy to void the crash in case of yield statements. Just shift the offset from POP_TOP where None is popped from the stack to the next opcode. The push/pop sequence is completely skipped.

4.2.2  Why aren't yield expressions entirely evil?

Consider the following generator

    def f():
        yield 1
        a = 0
        it = for_iter(range(10))
        for i in it:
            b = yield a+i
            print "b =", b

The tiny red numbers indicate the positions where the generator stops when being called with next/send.

>>> f_gen = f()
>>> f_gen.next()   # stops at
1 - no b yet available
>>> f_gen.next()   # stops at 2 - no b yet available
>>> f_gen.send(5)  # stops at 2 - b is 5
b = 5    

Now suppose you want to copy f_gen. The resulting generator copy has the following disassembly at the critical spot:

311           0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           32
             58 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           73
        >>   61 POP_TOP             
             62 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
             65 LOAD_FAST                2 (i)
             68 BINARY_ADD          
             69 YIELD_VALUE         
             70 STORE_FAST               3 (b)
        >>   73 LOAD_CONST               3 ('B')
             76 PRINT_ITEM          
             77 LOAD_FAST                3 (b)

What you see here is that JUMP_ABSOLUTE targets LOAD_CONST but not STORE_FAST. That's because STORE_FAST suffers from the same problems as we have just mentioned: it pops a value from the stack and stores it in the locals of the generator. However we don't need it because we can access the locals via gen_f.gi_frame.f_locals and pass b as a parameter into the generator copy. The fact that f_gen did store the value for us already makes live easier. But no no-brainer because:

4.2.3  A generator copy is always a fresh generator

A copy of a generator is always a fresh generator not a running one and it has to be started with next() or send(None) according to Pythons rules. This is not open to manipulation because it would require to adjust the bytecode offset g_gen.gi_frame.f_lasti of g_gen from within Python which is readonly.

We need to start gen_g once to jump to the LOAD_CONST opcode. Only after this step you can use send() for passing values back into the generator:

>>> g_gen = copy_generator(f_gen)
>>> g_gen.next()
B 5

4.3 Avoid closures

Closures ( inner functions ) are not supported.

4.4 Python 3.0 is not dry yet

I've done some wrapping of datatypes after unpickling. I believe pickling/unpickling is broken in Python 3.0 at this stage of development but I expected struggling with type conversions anyway.

New in version 0.2: pickling is troublesome using Python 3.0 a2. Not sure if it's a bug in generator_tools or in Python 3.0. I will suspend additional releases supporting 3.0 and wait until the first beta.

5. Acknowledgements

Thanks to Klaus Müller, Jenna Louis, Lorenz Quack, Marek Majkowski, Tom Salfield, Markus Brückner for important reinforcements. Special thanks to Lorenz Quack for providing a redesign of the picklegenerators module.

6. History

2009-02-24 0.3.6
  • generator copy is is created with globals of copied generator
2009-01-04 0.3.5
  • If a yield expression has the form 'b = yield a' and the surrounding generator is copied it has to be resumed sending next() or send(None). So b always will always be None. In version 0.3.4 the last value of b being used within the generator was passed instead. This error has been corrected now.
  • Make a subset of Python 2.5 style yield expressions actually work within tight boundaries. Read the extended discussion of their limitations in generator_tools.
  • For simple yield expressions or simple sequences of yield expressions no jump was generated. This bug came in with version 0.3.2.
  • Make functions loads() and dumps() visible on package level.
  • Fix initialization bug. When a generator gen_f contains a nested for loop or a sequence of for loops not all for_iter IteratorViews might have been initialized. When gen_f is copied the copying routine counts the number of IteratorView objects and compares it with the number of FOR_ITER opcodes available in gen_f. This is too eager and the copying routine has been modified s.t. only the number of FOR_ITER opcodes preceeding the last_i opcode are counted.
  • Fixing sequences of for-loops. When two or more for loops occured within a generator in sequence generator_tools produced a wrong jump sequence. This has been adjusted in this version.
  • Fix sameness bug for pickling generators. A generator object G which existed at different locations loc1, loc2 has been converted into distinct GeneratorSnapshots GS1, GS2 for pickling which lead to distinct unpickled generators uG1, uG2. We have established now a unique correspondence of G with uG.
  • Redesign of the picklegenerators module ( by Lorenz Quack )
  • Implement copy_filter function as second optional parameter
  • Modify unpickling s.t. GeneratorSnapshot is not deepcopied anymore
  • Adapt interface of GeneratorPickler to be complient with interface of pickler.Pickler and declare the old interface as deprecated.
  • Delay a 0.2 release for Python 3.0
Initial release